Discover what’s in store at the biggest spring HR event, including main stage keynotes, deep-dive sessions, tech unveilings and demos, and fun in the City of Brotherly Love.

Agenda at a glance

All Sessions

April 23

Registration and Breakfast
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Pre-Conference Training Sessions
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Welcome Reception
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.


April 24

Registration, Breakfast, and Networking in Expo Hall
7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Welcome Keynote
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Main Stage Sessions
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Lunch and networking
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Breakout Sessions
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Closing Keynote
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Evening Celebration
6:00 p.m. – 1 0:30 p.m.


April 25

Breakfast and Networking in Expo Hall
7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Product Innovation Keynote
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Main Stage Sessions
10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Lunch and Networking
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Breakout sessions
12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Closing keynote
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Agenda at a glance


April 23

Registration & Breakfast
7:45am - 9:00am

Opening Remarks

Pre-Conference Training Sessions
9:00am - 12:30pm

Lunch & Networking
12:30pm - 1:15pm

Pre-Conference Training Sessions
1:15pm - 4:30pm

Customer Appreciation Dinner
6:00pm - 10:00pm 

*Customer-exclusive. Learn more →


April 24

Registration & Breakfast
7:30am - 8:30am

Welcome Keynote 

Main Stage Sessions
10:00am - 12:30pm

Lunch Jawn
12:30pm - 1:30pm

Breakout Sessions
1:30pm- 4:30pm

Main Stage Keynote
4:30pm - 5:30pm

Party at Reading Terminal Market
7:00pm - 10:00pm


April 25

Sunrise Activity & Breakfast
7:30am - 8:30am

Product Innovation Keynote

Main Stage Sessions 
11:30am - 1:00pm

Lunch Jawn
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Breakout Sessions
2:45pm - 5:00pm

Closing Remarks
5:00pm - 5:30pm

Detailed Agenda

The Need for Speed: How To Reduce Time To Fill Up to 50% with AI

When it comes to hiring for hourly and frontline positions, time is of the essence. But organizations across industries including retail, manufacturing, transportation, and hospitality still need to strike a balance between quality and quantity hiring. Join this session to learn how intelligent scoring is responsibly being put into practice to fast-track front-runners for frontline roles.

Achieving Quality Hiring at Scale: Maximizing Candidate Job Fit with Automation

In a talent shortage, mastering swift and successful hiring is crucial. Join and learn how to improve inefficiencies, hire quickly at scale, and combat costly churn. See how one company with an “always on” approach to hiring streamlined their application process with pre-hire assessments — qualifying best-fit candidates faster than competitors.

Creating a One-Stop First-Class Experience for Candidates

Today’s candidates expect turbulence-free, elite-status experiences when it comes to job interviews. In this session, learn how you can help candidates get over the fear of the interview process, and put them front and center to ensure a frictionless hiring experience.

Say Goodbye to Post & Pray — Proactively Build Candidate Pipelines and Hire Faster

Discover the secrets to swiftly connect with candidates and transform your hiring game. Hint: it’s all about speed, efficiency, and evolving into a proactive lead-generating machine. Learn how one customer went from phone screener to talent specialist — driving business results through decreased time to fill, increased quality of candidates, and impactful talent that can pivot to meet future needs.

Attracting Diverse Talent: A Healthcare Branding Success Story

Meeting chronic staffing demands in a highly competitive healthcare labor market is challenging, but not impossible, and this healthcare company is proof. Explore how leveraging your brand can attract informed and highly qualified candidates and use strategic enhancements to broaden your talent community — welcoming a diverse pool of candidates who resonate with your values and mission.

The Truth Behind AI Scoring — Why You Need it & How It Cuts Screening & Time-to-Interview by 50%

AI enables organizations to rapidly screen and progress promising candidates through the interview process, ensuring the best and brightest don’t end up somewhere else. In this session, learn how organizations are responsibly leveraging intelligent scoring for knowledge worker hiring, and cutting time-to-interview in half.

The Ultimate Time-Saving Recruiting Hack: Automated Interview Scheduling

More than half of TA teams face difficulties scheduling interviews. In this session, discover a new approach and technology that can improve productivity to save significant recruiting hours, enhance staffing processes, and create a streamlined experience for candidates, recruiters, and hiring managers. You’ll also hear how one organization successfully achieved their goals, including expanding their talent pool, scheduling interviews faster, and increasing hires.

Evaluating Candidate Potential with Behavioral & Language Assessments

Looking for a more effective way to hire? Pre-hire assessments are empowering hiring teams to evaluate talent to ensure future success — while reducing costly churn. In this session, discover how workplace behavior and language assessments help uncover attributes such as self-efficacy and customer patience, ensuring only applicants with essential job skills move through the process.

24 Hours to Hire: How To Supercharge Candidate Screening

Leave the lag behind and meet the new way to fast forward candidate screening with the power of video. Find out how you can leverage AI and video technology to confidently qualify candidates, empower hiring teams to reliably assess talent at scale, and save significant time in the screening process.

Frontline Foresight: Anticipating Talent Acquisition Trends in Retail & Hospitality

Hiring for hourly and frontline roles presents challenges that are unique to retail and hospitality organizations. In this session, learn the top challenges organizations are facing in 2024, and how industry leaders are setting themselves up for future success to meet both seasonal and always-on hiring demands.

Time’s a Wastin’: The Fastest Enterprise Wins the High-Volume Race

Junk in, junk out. This waste management organization realized they needed to trash their tools and processes, or they weren’t going to get to the candidate first. Learn how they drastically reduced time to hire with automation — sourcing, screening, and scheduling faster than competition.

The Biggest TA & Retention Trends for Healthcare (And What to Do About Them)

Today’s healthcare organizations are focused on financial sustainability, comprising modern staffing strategies, and creating transformative candidate experiences. Join this panel to learn how the world’s leading healthcare organizations are reducing spend to source talent, maximizing engagement with candidates, and reducing time to hire without sacrificing quality or speed.

Meet Tomorrow’s Movers and Makers: ‘24 Transportation and Manufacturing TA Trends

Explore how companies are leveraging AI and automation technology to address skills gaps, enhance candidate engagement, and streamline the hiring process. Gain insights into best practices for attracting skilled, adaptable workers in a competitive market and learn how to foster a culture that supports innovation, skills, and retention.

Secrets from Skills Masters: How to Leverage Skills in Strategic Workforce Planning

What’s the best way to go from idea to action when it comes to skills in HR? Learn from the success stories of some of the biggest brands that have made skills integral to workforce planning across talent acquisition and talent management.

Looking Past Resumes: Empowering Managers to Hire Top Talent Based on Skills and Culture Fit

Look beyond the resume/CV and discover how simulating the first ten minutes of a job interview can swiftly identify top talent. Candidates seize the chance to make a lasting first impression, allowing their personalities to shine. Don't miss this engaging session on redefining the initial stages of talent selection.

Turn and Face The Strange: Change Management That Leads To Employee Fascination

When it’s time to calculate ROI, how do you calculate the cost of change? Or do you just set the spreadsheet aside and move on to more manageable projects? Whether you’re thinking about implementing new HR tech or enhancing existing tools, join this session to hear how to mitigate the pain of planning and executing employee-facing change with a real-life talent marketplace success story.

Succession Planning & Career Pathing: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Succession planning has historically been a risk mitigation strategy to secure critical roles, but with the right technology in play, it can also mitigate the risk of high-potential employees leaving by helping them visualize their future career. Hear how to create a comprehensive succession planning practice that rolls seamlessly into a comprehensive career pathing journey for your employees.

Solving Retail Attrition: What’s In Store for Internal Mobility

With your employees either stocking shelves, unloading trucks, or helping customers, they’re certainly not sitting in front of a laptop. So how do they find out about career opportunities within your organization? And how do you keep them engaged by getting the right jobs in front of them at the right time? In this session, we’ll explore a meaningful internal mobility program that engages and inspires your store employees.

Stop Stalling: Get Your Own Skills Ontology Now

The arduous task of mapping skills to roles has been the bane of many talent planning exercises. And even though advancements in technology exist to help shorten the cycle, next steps are often unclear. Join this session to walk the path one company took to evolve into a comprehensive skills and proficiency-driven role architecture that fueled career visibility for all their employees.

Living On the Edge: Bonus Benefits of Career Pathing

You know the stat: the number one reason employees quit is due to a perceived lack of advancement. The main reason for career pathing is to give them visibility into opportunities for growth, but there are ancillary benefits that often exist under the radar. Join this session to hear how our partner was able to increase engagement in their learning initiatives by 60% and get a more complete skills inventory to drive better talent strategy.

Work Smarter, Not Harder: How to Effortlessly Convey a Strong Employer Brand on Your Career Site

Your employer brand is one of the first interactions a candidate has with your company, so conveying a strong employer brand is critical in attracting candidates who are looking for their next opportunity — and for employers seeking to hire best-fit talent. In this session, discover ways you can effortlessly create dynamic, personalized content that attracts talent who align with your values and culture, and differentiates your organization from competitors.

Next-Level Recruiting: Configuring Automated Campaigns That Convert

Candidates demand fast, meaningful interactions. Hiring teams are struggling to scale personalized engagements. Learn how to configure hyper-personalized, automated campaigns that convert job seekers into applicants and drive efficiencies in the lead-to-hire process, helping recruiters and managers find the right fit, faster.

Forget ChatGPT: Meet the Ultimate Efficiency Enhancer for HR

In just one year, HR has gone full throttle with Phenom X+ — our platform-wide GenAI capability that’s achieving incredible milestones. We’ll uncover the 50+ scenarios TA and TM teams from hundreds of organizations are leveraging to boost productivity by up to 20%. Learn how to optimize your efforts with GenAI – whether improving conversion, saving time, or increasing response rates.

Automation Engine: Making Your Workflows Work For You

Get ready to dive into the future of hiring. In this session, see how highly customizable hiring workflows can help your team streamline the entire talent lifecycle — from initial engagement to final hiring decision. Uncover how to fill talent pipelines with qualified candidates, reduce time-to-hire, and save countless hours for hiring teams — all while maintaining a human touch.

Leave the Legacy Behind: How Small & Mid-Sized Organizations Successfully Hire Without an ATS

Join us to see how forward-thinking small and midsize businesses are consolidating their ATS and point solutions while increasing hiring efficiency and reducing their HR tech spend. In this session, you’ll learn how organizations with under 5,000 employees can get everything they need to attract, engage, and acquire top talent — all in one place.

The Swift Effect: Your Guide to Building Magnetic Hiring Events

Discover the keys to hosting successful recruiting events in this lively session. You’ll explore how organizations are leveraging AI and automation to create streamlined on-site and virtual event experiences — including best ways to optimize the hiring process through real-time assessments and automated interview scheduling. Plus, learn how to master the art of engaging candidates and spotlighting your company culture while promoting events and nurturing leads after.

Bailing Out Busy Managers: How One App Streamlines Frontline Hiring Operations

Hourly and frontline hiring managers face the tremendous challenge of meeting customers' high expectations while staying fully staffed. But they lack the tools they need to hire quality candidates quickly. In this session, learn how a mobile-optimized experience is helping managers focus on the task at hand while staying engaged with candidates and keeping the hiring process moving forward fast.

Hiring Intelligence: The Cure for the Outdated Interview Process

Discover how an intelligent approach to interviewing is reshaping the hiring landscape, and offering game-changing solutions for note-taking and insights. Join us to see firsthand how interview intelligence can improve stakeholder collaboration, speed up decision-making, and improve interview experience for candidates, recruiters, and managers. Don't miss this opportunity to stay at the forefront of industry interview advancements.

Unifying Recruitment: HR Tech Strategies for Decentralized Teams

Many teams have different requirements across each department or unit. This session explores cutting-edge best practices that empower decentralized recruitment organizations to streamline their processes and tailor them to their unique needs — including virtual interviewing, candidate assessment, and more. Learn how to enhance candidate experience, while ensuring compliance and consistency across different regions.

AI Compliance: What Ethical AI Means for Organizations

Join us for an engaging panel discussion about Phenom’s robust approach to ethical AI. Hear from industry experts as they share their views on AI, as well as safety and compliance considerations for talent acquisition and talent management.

Customer Appreciation Dinner

All customers are invited to an exclusive complimentary celebration at The Grand Belle for a decadent cocktail hour, sit-down dinner, entertainment, and our Talent Experience Awards ceremony.

Welcome Party at Reading Terminal Market

Get ready to rock with 80s tribute band RUBIX KUBE and explore dozens of vendors at the historic Reading Terminal Market!